- Hello FREE0:32
- Minimalism FREE7:14
- Color IDE FREE0:34
- Two Important Keybindings FREE4:27
- Create New Files Quickly FREE1:26
- Custom File Templates FREE2:23
- Live Templates FREE6:11
- Custom Formatting FREE4:23
- Refactoring: Name and Method FREE4:20
- Refactoring: Pull Up FREE2:31
- Refactoring: Extract Interface FREE2:23
- Refactoring: Extract and Inline Variable FREE1:19
- Fast Composition FREE3:20
- Navigating to Sass Symbols FREE1:11
- PHPStorm's Laravel Facades Issue FREE2:05
- Multiple Cursors FREE2:33
- Splits FREE2:22
- Vi-Mode With Mappings FREE4:11
- Xdebug FREE10:25
- Xdebug and Laravel FREE3:23
- Composer Dependencies and PHPStorm FREE2:06
- Testing in PHPStorm FREE3:35
- Code Coverage FREE4:26
- Why I Use Both PHPStorm and Sublime Text FREE2:31
- Automatic PSR-4 Namespacing FREE1:11
from : https://laracasts.com/series/how-to-be-awesome-in-phpstorm