2016年10月31日 星期一

Voyager – A Laravel Admin Package

Voyager is a new package created by The Control Group that provides a complete admin system to quickly scaffold out your app. It features:
Media Manager
Voyager has an amazing fully function media manager which allows you to view/edit/delete files from your storage. All files in your application will be easily accessible and will live in a single place. Compatible with local or s3 file storage.
Menu Builder
You can easily build as many menus for your site. You can add/edit/delete menu items from as many menus as you would like. Then it’s super easy to display your menu on the front-end of your app:
Database Manager
You can actually manipulate your database directly from the Voyager admin. You can add, edit, or delete tables. When creating a new table you can also specify if you would like voyager to create your Model for you.
Similar to CRUD, Voyager has a system called BREAD which is Browse, Read, Edit, Add, and Delete. You can easily add any BREAD views and functionality to any table in your database. Have a products table, easily add the Browse Read Edit Add & Delete functionality in seconds!
Demo Video

7:57 / 7:57


請前往 www.youtube.com 觀看這部影片,或在瀏覽器中啟用 JavaScript (如果尚未啟用)。

For more information on Voyager check out the official site and it’s documentation

from : https://laravel-news.com/2016/10/voyager/


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