2009年8月23日 星期日

[PHP] Is there a way to get a variable name as a string?

On rare occasions, you may need to retrieve a variable name as a string.

This handy little function retreives the name of the variable:

$my_var = 1;
echo var_name ($my_var);

will give 'my_var'.

I started trying to find a solution to this problem, because I needed such a function and because questions about it appeared on several mailing lists and forums:
[PHP] Is there a way to get a variable name as a string?

most people said it was not possible...
Re: [PHP] Is there a way to get a variable name as a string?
From: Rasmus Lerdorf

In PHP it is possible to use a variable if you have its name as a string :

$iVarName = 'MaxSize';
$$iVarName = 10;
echo $MaxSize;


But PHP does not natively include a way to get the name of a given variable.

This might be useful in situations where you design a function with a parameter passed by reference and you need to know which variable was sent as a parameter for this function.

The solution :

The following function retreives the variable name from a given variable:

function var_name (&$iVar, &$aDefinedVars)
foreach ($aDefinedVars as $k=>$v)
$aDefinedVars_0[$k] = $v;

$iVarSave = $iVar;
$iVar =!$iVar;

$aDiffKeys = array_keys (array_diff_assoc ($aDefinedVars_0, $aDefinedVars));
$iVar = $iVarSave;

return $aDiffKeys[0];


This function has to be called with a second parameter always set to the result of the function "get_defined_vars()":

var_name($iVar, get_defined_vars());


How does it work ?

var_name compares the result of the function "get_defined_vars()" before and after modification of the variable whose name we want to find.

The initial set of defined variables passed as a parameter to var_name is first stored in "$aDefinedVars_0" and compared later.

Before modifying the value of the variable, its value is saved in $iVarSave.

$iVar is then changed to something different :

$aDefinedVars keeps track of this modification and can be compare to $aDefinedVars_0 (its initial value). The difference is the variable we modified and we can get its name as a string in the key value of the array record.

The value of the variable is restored to its initial value kept in $iVarSave and the name of the variable is returned.

Example :

The following PHP code shows the function var_name in action:

$v_1 = 1; echo 'var $',var_name ($v_1, get_defined_vars()),' = ',var_dump($v_1),'
$v_2 = 4; echo 'var $',var_name ($v_2, get_defined_vars()),' = ',var_dump($v_2),'
$v_3 = 'qwerty'; echo 'var $',var_name ($v_3, get_defined_vars()),' = ',var_dump($v_3),'
$v_4 = array('aa'=>'11','bb'=>'22',3); echo 'var $',var_name ($v_4, get_defined_vars()),' = ',var_dump($v_4),'
$v_5 = &$v_2; echo 'var $',var_name ($v_5, get_defined_vars()),' = ',var_dump($v_5),'
echo 'var $',implode (' / $',var_name ($v_5, get_defined_vars(),true)),' = ',var_dump($v_5),'

function test()
$v_1 = 'qwerty'; echo 'var $',var_name ($v_1, get_defined_vars()),' = ',var_dump($v_1),'

global $v_5; echo 'var $',var_name ($v_5, get_defined_vars()),' = ',var_dump($v_5),'




var_name can retreive the name of the variable in every case.

Application :

The most direct application of this function is, of course, a "dump" function.
Just call this "dump" function with the variable you want to monitor - do not forget to add the "get_defined_vars()" parameter...

function dump(&$v, &$aDefinedVars)
echo '
$',implode (' / $',var_name ($v, $aDefinedVars, true)),' = ',print_r($v, true),'


dump($v_4, get_defined_vars());


Going further :

The function var_name can be enhanced by adding the parameter $bShowAllRef to show, if set to true, all the references relating to the variable passed as a parameter:

function var_name (&$iVar, &$aDefinedVars, $bShowAllRef=false )
foreach ($aDefinedVars as $k=>$v)
$aDefinedVars_0[$k] = $v;

$iVarSave = $iVar;
$iVar =!$iVar;

$aDiffKeys = array_keys (array_diff_assoc ($aDefinedVars_0, $aDefinedVars));
$iVar = $iVarSave;

return ($bShowAllRef? $aDiffKeys: $aDiffKeys[0]);


That's it ! You can download the function here.

This code is free to use and published under the GPL license.

function var_name (&$iVar, &$aDefinedVars)
foreach ($aDefinedVars as $k=>$v)
$aDefinedVars_0[$k] = $v;

$iVarSave = $iVar;
$iVar =!$iVar;

$aDiffKeys = array_keys (array_diff_assoc ($aDefinedVars_0, $aDefinedVars));
$iVar = $iVarSave;

return $aDiffKeys[0];



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