libvirt is:
A toolkit to interact with the virtualization capabilities of recent versions of Linux (and other OSes).
Free software available under the GNU Lesser General Public License.
A long term stable C API
A set of bindings for common languages
A CIM provider for the DMTF virtualization schema
A QMF agent for the AMQP/QPid messaging system
libvirt supports:
The Xen hypervisor on Linux and Solaris hosts.
The QEMU emulator
The KVM Linux hypervisor
The LXC Linux container system
The OpenVZ Linux container system
The User Mode Linux paravirtualized kernel
The VirtualBox hypervisor
The VMware ESX and GSX hypervisors
Storage on IDE/SCSI/USB disks, FibreChannel, LVM, iSCSI, NFS and filesystems
libvirt provides:
Remote management using TLS encryption and x509 certificates
Remote management authenticating with Kerberos and SASL
Local access control using PolicyKit
Zero-conf discovery using Avahi multicast-DNS
Management of virtual machines, virtual networks and storage
Portable client API for Linux, Solaris and Windows