I’ve actually been launching Photoshop here and there to get my color picker (ridiculous, I know), or if I manage to remember, preview + color picker.
It’s time to set up a real hex color picker.
First, let’s make the color picker an executable app.
Push CMD + Space, and run AppleScript Editor
In the window that appears, type in “choose color”.
Save it as an app in the “file format” field, and name it what you’d like.
Now I’d go ahead and give it the icon of the Digital Color Meter and throw it on the dock:
Install HexColorPicker
Download file at http://wafflesoftware.net/hexpicker/
and move the HexColorPicker.colorPicker to your ~/Library/ColorPickers
You’re done — start the app and look at your shiny new tab on the right.
reference : http://yuji.wordpress.com/2010/08/01/mac-adding-hex-color-picker-to-color-picker/