2016年9月22日 星期四

How to Use Axios as Your HTTP Client


Axios is a promise-based HTTP client that works both in the browser and in a node.js environment. It basically provides a single API for dealing withXMLHttpRequests and node’s http interface. Besides that, it wraps the requests using a polyfill for ES6 new’s promise syntax. In this post we’ll see how to perform HTTP requests using axios. Looks promising, right? Let’s go!


Before using axios, you first need to install it. There are several ways of doing so:
1) Using npm:
$ npm install axios
2) Using bower:
$ bower install axios

First steps

After installing, performing requests becomes trivial. In this example, we’ll be performing requests to GitHub’s API.
// Performing a GET request
axios.get('https://api.github.com/users/' + username)
    console.log(response.data); // ex.: { user: 'Your User'}
    console.log(response.status); // ex.: 200

// Performing a POST request
axios.post('/save', { firstName: 'Marlon', lastName: 'Bernardes' })
    console.log('saved successfully')
Besides post and get, there are also methods named after the http methods deleteheadput and patch.
The methods postput and patch require a parameter containing the data to be sent.

Performing Multiple Requests simultaneously

To execute multiple requests in parallel, simply provide an array argument toaxios.all. When all requests are complete, you’ll receive an array containing the response objects in the same order they were sent. Alternatively you can use axios.spread to spread the array into multiple arguments. Spread is preferred since dealing with array indexes could be misleading.
// Requests will be executed in parallel...
  .then(axios.spread(function (userResponse, reposResponse) {
    //... but this callback will be executed only when both requests are complete.
    console.log('User', userResponse.data);
    console.log('Repositories', reposResponse.data);

Running axios in node

It might be obvious now, but running the code above should be pretty straightforward. Install axios with npm and require it as you do with any other dependency in node:
var axios = require('axios')

Running axios in the browser

Simply import axios (using a 

Sending custom headers with axios

To send custom headers supply an object containing the headers as the last argument:
var config = {
  headers: {'X-My-Custom-Header': 'Header-Value'}

axios.get('https://api.github.com/users/codeheaven-io', config);
axios.post('/save', { firstName: 'Marlon' }, config);
You can read more information about axios here:https://github.com/mzabriskie/axios

from : http://codeheaven.io/how-to-use-axios-as-your-http-client/


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