2016年11月2日 星期三

Build your OWN switch statment using Laravel’s custom blade directives

One of the good points of Laravel’s framework is that it allows you to make your own components, macros and directives. so today we will make use of Laravel’s Custom Blade directives and make something good.
The Hello world example
Our very first example will be to print something like Hello Name. we will use this code in our view
and let’s jump to the boot method of the AppServiceProvider to define how we will render that line of code, Of course do not foreget to import the Blade facade.
Blade::directive('hello', function($name){
    return "";
easy isn’t?
Switch directive
Our second example will be the very famous switch case controller, I think its not defined yet … at least according to my experience with Laravel.
1- Now we will start by setting up the bases of the switch case, something like
so basically is nothing but those lines of code
Blade::directive('switch', function($condition){
    return "";
Blade::directive('endswitch', function(){
    return "";
2- the case and break part, the case directive accepts a parameter to compare with the variable already passed to the swtich. and the break all it does is printing the break; statement.
Blade::directive('case', function($value){
    return "";
Blade::directive('breakcase', function(){
    return "";
3- the default part, or let’s call it the whatever part, to avoid conflicts.
Blade::directive('whatever', function(){
    return "";
So let us use all of them
we assume we have passed $num to the view.
        <h1>its 10</h1>

        <h1>its 20</h1>

        <h1>not specified</h1>
Actually, yes it won’t work, why? its simple because its not allowed to use any code between the switch and the first case, but we are not doing it?
well we do, the space when using template engin even the space is replaced with a
so let us tweak our code …. How? we will not end our switch directive, that way everything after it will be ignored.
Blade::directive('switch', function($condition){
    return "
and make a special case called ‘firstcase’ … just like that
Blade::directive('firstcase', function($value){
    return "case {$value}:  ?>";
and Now our code should be like that
        <h1>its 10</h1>

        <h1>its 20</h1>

        <h1>not specified</h1>


from : https://medium.com/@InaniT0/build-your-own-switch-statment-using-laravels-custom-blade-directives-218244e41a7c#.xie2e1ak5


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