2008年3月31日 星期一

[Debug]Postfix and MS-Exchange Mail Server Affected by ORDB.org Spam Service

這個星期,公司的mail server收信發生問題,錯誤訊息如下:
「Technical details of permanent failure:
PERM_FAILURE: SMTP Error (state 14): 554 Service unavailable; Client host [XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX] blocked using relays.ordb.org; ordb.org was shut down on December 18, 2006. Please remove from your mailserver.」

雖然ORDB宣佈在2006年12月已停止運作,但還是有很多mail server繼續利用ORDB的服務,讓ORDB非常煩惱!
所以這一次ORDB採取所有使用ORDB服務的mail server的主機,不論事實,一致把請求的IP認定為「發垃圾郵件的IP」,我想應該是要讓MIS去停止再使用ORDB的服務!
ORDB.org is dead and gone
Spam blocker rises from the dead to bite lax email administrators

Postfix and MS-Exchange Mail Server Affected by ORDB.org Spam Service

If you or your mail server / gateway / firewall querying relays.ordb.org; please stop it immediately. If you query relays.ordb.org - mail server will rejecting all incoming mails from that server.

Symantec Mail Security for MS-Exchange Server - Spam Filter
Symantec Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange configuration in the list of Anti-spam blacklist servers including relays.ordb.org. Immediately remove the entry.

Remove ORDB.ORG from MS-Exchange Server Spam Filter
In Exchange Server 2003 you can find the feature for blacklist support within the global settings of your organization. Visit MS-Exchange System Manager > Global Settings > Message Delivery Properties -> Connection Filtering tab > Remove relays.ordb.org

Remove Linux / UNIX - Postfix Mail Server - Spam Filter
Open postfix configuration file and remove the following line:

$ vi /usr/local/etc/postfix/main.cf
## 將以下之內容註解 ##
# reject_rbl_client relays.ordb.org,

Restart postfix mail server:

$ /usr/local/sbin/postfix stop
$ /usr/local/sbin/postfix start


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