2010年3月4日 星期四

Howto: Use mysql or run mysql queries from shell script

Q. I have job (executed from shell script) where I need to run mysql query from a shell script. I want to run mysql from within a shell script rather than use it interactively by typing mysql -u user -p dbnane command.

How do I use mysql in Shell Scripts?

A. I recommend using Perl or php as it is easier to get data from mysql. You can easily use APIs. BASH/KSH Shell does not provide access to mysql directly.

However you can pass sql command using mysql -e swich. Following query connect as root and print mysql server uptime:
$ mysql -u root -p -e "STATUS" | grep -i uptime


Uptime: 4 hours 59 min 56 sec
You can add code as follows from shell script:

mysql dbnane<SELECT * from table;
Save and execute script as follows:
$ chmod +x script.sh
$ ./script.sh

I strongly recommend using perl or php as shell provides limited access.


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