2010年8月3日 星期二

Use spket For mootools aptana plugin

1.下載安裝包含有Eclipse的Aptana Studio;
2.啟動Aptana,然後菜單:Help → Software Updates → Find and Install… → Search for new features to install → New remote site…
3.名稱可以輸入: “Spket”,URL是http://www.spket.com/update/
5.Window → Preferences → Spket → JavaScript Profiles → New ;
7.選擇“ExtJS”並點擊“Add Library”然後在下拉條中選取“ExtJS”;
8.選擇“ExtJS”並點擊“Add File”,然後在你的./ext-3.x/source目錄中選取“ext.jsb”文件;
9.設置新的ExtJS Profile,選中並點擊“JavaScript Profiles”對話框右手邊的“Defalut”按鈕;

Create MooTools profile

Select the menu item Window > Preferences... to open the workbench preferences.
Select the Spket > JavaScript Profile preference page to display the installed JavaScript Profiles.
Click the New.. button. In the Name field, type MooTools as the name for the new profile. Then click OK.
Click the Add Library button. From the Library drop-down list, select MooTools. Then click OK.
Click the Add File button, choose mootools-xxx.js download from mootools.net (When choose compression type, No Compression is recommend)
Choose the MooTools profile created in step 3, click the Default button make it the default profile for all project. The default profile can also be configured per project by using Configure Project Specific Settings... link.
Click on OK to save the preferences.



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