2016年10月22日 星期六

Set crontab in OSX

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Just follow these steps:
  1. In Terminal: crontab -e.
  2. Press i to go into vim's insert mode.
  3. Type your cron job, for example:
    30 * * * * /usr/bin/curl --silent --compressed http://example.com/crawlink.php
  4. Press Esc to exit vim's insert mode.
  5. Type ZZ to exit vim (must be capital letters). 
  6. You should see the following message: crontab: installing new crontab. You can verify the crontab file by using crontab -l.
Note however that this might not work depending on the content of your ~/.vimrc file.

from : http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15395479/why-ive-got-no-crontab-entry-on-os-x-when-using-vim


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