2019年11月18日 星期一

Window.Open only if the JavaScript window does not exist

I would do so - basically storing all referenced opened windows in the function itself. When the function fires, check if the window does not exist or has been close - from that, start the pop-up window. Otherwise, focus on the existing popup for that request.

function launchApplication(l_url, l_windowName)
  if ( typeof launchApplication.winRefs == 'undefined' )
    launchApplication.winRefs = {};
  if ( typeof launchApplication.winRefs[l_windowName] == 'undefined' || launchApplication.winRefs[l_windowName].closed )
    var l_width = screen.availWidth;
    var l_height = screen.availHeight;

    var l_params = 'status=1' +
                   ',resizable=1' +
                   ',scrollbars=1' +
                   ',width=' + l_width +
                   ',height=' + l_height +
                   ',left=0' +

    launchApplication.winRefs[l_windowName] = window.open(l_url, l_windowName, l_params);
    launchApplication.winRefs[l_windowName].resizeTo(l_width, l_height);
  } else {

from : https://www.generacodice.it/es/articolo/191665/JavaScript+window.open+only+if+the+window+does+not+already+exist


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